Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What shop sells mac makeup brushes? And what is the difference between mac and other brushes?

Resolved Question

What shop sells mac makeup brushes? And what is the difference between mac and other brushes?

Hi im on e bay watching mac makeup brushes go for a small fortune and im wondering why, also what other brushes are good like that?thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

On ebay, 99% of mac brushes are fake mac products.. please please don't buy from there!!

mac brushes are great because of the quality of the bristles and also they are all handmade (unless you get holiday sets and stuff like that).

they are just higher quality and perform better..

if you want to look at some very good mac comparable brushes, go to

they are great and are just as good but a lot cheaper!

if you buy every single brush that sigma has to offer, you'll spend around $111.. which sounds like a lot until you figure that if you purchase the exact same brushes from mac, you spend around $444 which is RIDICULOUS!

just shop around!!


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Other Answers (4)

  • I generally buy mine from covent garden mac store in london as for some reason it's often quite empty so easier to talk to the make up artist and see what they suggest.
    I prefer to use mac make up brushes because they're made from different fibres and some brushes can cause allergic reactions etc but i've never had this happen with macs.
    They're not really that expensive though - they're only a little more than the cheaper brands and they're so much better!
  • mac is an expensive brand so i guess thats why they are expensive. no doubt they are good quality and make up artists say u should invest in good quality brushes as they will last a long time. as far as i know mac is only availalbe in Mac shops. at least in brighton where i live that is the case, tho i guess in some cities they may have concessions in large department stores (we dont have any in brighton except debenhams) . hope this helps
  • The Body Shop have award winning brushes,
    and not as expensive as MAC
  • There are many good brushes, mac is just highly rated! Shop at Sephora.

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